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SCAN-3C: Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders for Children
Robert W Keith
SCAN-3 provides you with a valid and reliable test battery to help identify auditory processing disorders and describe their impact in daily life. Screen and diagnose auditory processing diffi culties with one co-normed battery of tests.
Uses & Applications
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School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI)
K. C. Stroud & C. R. Reynolds
Measure student learning strategies early and intervene proactively.
Poor study skills, ineffective learning strategies, test anxiety--all of these things impede academic success. And they often go unrecognised until a student enters college and is placed.....
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School-readiness Evaluation by Trained Testers (SETT)
M. Joubert
The SETT (School-readiness Evaluation by Trained Testers) is an individual test. Interesting test material is used and the test items are compiled in such a way that a learning situation similar to that in the classroom is created. During the SETT evaluation attention is paid.....
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Self Image Profile for Adults (SIP-Adult)
R.J. Butler and S.L. Gasson
The Self Image Profile for Adults (SIP-Adult) is a brief self report measures that taps the individual’s theory of self. It provides an extension to the child [SIP-C: 7-11 years] and adolescent [SIP-A: 12-16 years] profiles, having a similar structure and format.
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Self Image Profiles (SIP)
R.J. Butler
The Self Image Profiles (SIP) are brief self report measures that tap the individual’s theory of self. There are 2 forms; the SIP-C for children aged 7 to 11 years and the SIP-A for adolescents aged 12 to 16 years.
The SIP provides a visual display of Self Image, enabling the child/young person to reveal.....
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Self-Assessment Inventory (SAI)
The executive functions, learning skills and psychological resources learners need for academic success and personal well-being are rarely delineated or assessed in systematic ways. Learners’ needs are typically discovered only after they have fallen short in some manner.
The Self-Assessment Inventory is a.....
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Self-Control Game
Self-Control Game
This game teaches children how to exercise self-control in academic and social situations. It addresses 24 specific traits and behaviours classified as impulsive, inattentive, or hyperactive.
As they move around the game board and respond to questions on game cards, they learn how to change maladaptive.....
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Senior South African Individual Scale – Revised (SSAIS-R)
R. van Eeden
The SSAIS-R is an intelligence scale that is only administered individually. The scale consists of 11 tests, namely:
Verbal tests
Number Problems;
Story Memory;
Memory for Digits.
Non-verbal tests
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Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
A. Jean Ayres, Ph.D.
The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) measure the sensory integration processes that underlie learning and behavior. By showing you how children organize and respond to sensory input, SIPT helps pinpoint specific organic problems associated with.....
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Sensory Processing Measure (SPM)
Home Form by L. D. Parham & C.l Ecker.
Main Classroom and School Environments Forms by H M Kuhaneck, D A. Henry & T J. Glennon.
With the Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), you can now get a complete picture of children's sensory functioning at home, at school, and in the community. Recognizing that sensory.....
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Sensory Processing Measure - Preschool (SPM-P)
Home Form by C. Ecker, M.A., and L. D. Parham.
School Form by H Mr Kuhaneck, D A. Henry, and T. J. Glennon.
Now you can identify sensory processing difficulties in children as young as 2 years of age. The new Preschool edition of the popular Sensory Processing Measure lets you.....
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Sensory Profile 2™
Winnie Dunn
The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides you with standardised tools to help evaluate a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school and community-based activities.
These significantly revised questionnaires evaluate a child’s unique sensory processing patterns from a.....
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Sentence Completion Series (SCS)
L.H. Brown & M.A. Unger
The SCS consists of eight self-report forms, each with 50 content-valid sentence stems pertaining to specific areas of concern: Adult, Adolescent, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Work, Illness, and Aging. The client completes each unfinished sentence with the first thought that comes to.....
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Chapter 1: The Challenge of Explaining Sexual Behaviour
On 'maleness' and 'femaleness' On what is and isn't 'sexual' The relational goals of connection and belonging On belonging: further considerations
Chapter 2: Drives and Sexual Behaviour
Drive theory: what prompts me to do something? A dual drive-source, multiple-drive.....
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Sexual abuse - dynamics, assessment and healing
Spies GM 2006
Sexual abuse is a highly complex phenomenon that encompasses the dynamics of sexual abuse, the wide-ranging effects it has on victims and their families, the legal rights of all the parties involved, and the role played by professional practitioners working in this field. In.....
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Shapes Puzzle (Age 2-8)
Learning and recognise shapes is an important step on
the way to learn to recognize letters.
Letters contains lots of different shapes -
circles, lines, parts of triangles and curves.
The ability to use shapes to describe objects will
greatly enhance a child’s ability to.....
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Short Parallel Assessments of Neuropsychological Status (SPANS)
Dr Gerald Burgess
The Short Parallel Assessments of Neuropsychological Status (or 'SPANS') is a short battery of cognitive tasks that produce seven reliable index scores including Orientation, Attention/Concentration, Language, Memory/Learning, Visuo-Motor Performance, Efficiency.....
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Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2)
by John N. Constantino, MD
Do the symptoms indicate Autism, PDD-NOS, Asperger's, or something else?
Find out with the SRS-2.
The second edition of this highly regarded autism assessment offers the convenience of a screener and the power of a diagnostic tool. Completed in just 15 to 20.....
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Social Skills Game
B. Berg, Ph.D.
Social Skills Game
Here is an ideal way to help children acquire social skills. This appealing board game teaches children attitudes and behaviours that promote positive interaction with their peers. It is especially helpful with those who are shy or socially neglected. Game cards focus on four skill areas:.....
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Social Skills Improvement System (SSiS)
Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N. Elliott
The Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales (SSiS) enables targeted assessment of individuals and small groups to help evaluate social skills, problem behaviours and academic competence. Teacher, parent and student forms help provide a comprehensive picture.....
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