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Eating Disorder Inventory™-3 (EDI™-3)D.M. Garner The EDI-3 is a revision of one of the most widely used self-report measures of psychological traits or constructs shown to be clinically relevant in individuals with eating disorders - the EDI-2. This new version is a standardised and easily administered measure yielding objective scores and profiles that are useful in case conceptualisation and treatment planning for individuals with a confirmed or suspected eating disorder. It also is a valuable research tool for assessing areas of psychopathology, identifying meaningful patient subgroups, and assessing treatment outcome. It can be completed in a relatively brief period of time and may be administered either individually or in a group setting. The EDI-3 has been significantly enhanced to provide scales and composites for measuring constructs that are more consistent with the psychological domains identified as relevant to eating disorders by modern theories. The item set from the original EDI, as well as items from the 1991 revision (EDI-2), have been carefully preserved so that clinicians and researchers can continue to compare data collected previously with data from the revised EDI-3. The EDI-3 consists of 91 items organized onto 12 primary scales, consisting of 3 eating-disorder-specific scales and 9 general psychological scales that are highly relevant to, but not specific to, eating disorders. It also yields six composites: one that is eatingdisorder specific (i.e Eating Disorder Risk) and five that are general integrative psychological constructs (i.e Ineffectiveness, Interpersonal Problems, Affective Problems, Over-control, General Psychological Maladjustment). EDI-3 Symptom Checklist (EDI-3 SC)The EDI-3 SC is an independent and structured self-report form. This form is easy to complete and provides data regarding frequency of symptoms (i.e binge eating; self-induced vomiting; exercise patterns; use of laxatives, diet pills, and diuretics). Detailed information regarding the symptom areas assessed by the EDI-3 SC is necessary for determining whether patients meet the formal diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder. New! EDI-3 Referral Form (EDI-3 RF)The EDI-3 RF is an abbreviated form of the EDI-3 and includes the three scales that compose the Eating Disorder Risk Composite (i.e Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction). In addition to the 25 EDI-3 questions, this brief self-report form includes behavioural symptom questions to identify individuals with potential eating disorders or pathology. Referral indexes are used to identify individuals who have or are at risk for eating disorders. These indexes are based on the individual’s body mass index (BMI) only; on BMI plus EDI-3 questions about excessive eating concerns; and on the responses given to behavioural questions pertaining to eating-disorder pathology. A separate manual, the EDI-3 Referral Form Manual, is available for use with the EDI-3 RF to help identify individuals who are at risk for eating disorders. What’s New in the EDI-3?
NormsThe EDI-3 provides normative information for females with eating disorders who are ages 13-53 years. All normative protocols were collected in various outpatient and inpatient settings. Normative information is provided for the following DSM-IV-TR™ diagnostic groups: (a) Anorexia Nervosa-Restricting type; (b) Anorexia Nervosa-Binge-Eating/Purging type; (c) Bulimia Nervosa; and (d) Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified. |
Product Items
EDI-3 Kit: EDI-3 Professional Manual, 25 Item Booklets, 25 Answer Sheets, 25 Percentile/T-Score Profile Forms, 25 Symptom Checklists, EDI-3 Referral Form Manual and 25 Referral Forms
Item # MPS04-5384KT Please log in to view prices!
EDI-3 Professional Manual
Item # MPS04-5385TM Please log in to view prices!
EDI-3 Item Booklets (Pack of 25)
Item # MPS04-5386TB Please log in to view prices!
EDI-3 Answer Sheets (Pack of 25)
Item # MPS04-5387AS Please log in to view prices!
EDI-3 Symptom Checklists (Pack of 25)
Item # MPS04-5390CF Please log in to view prices!
EDI-3 Percentile/T-Score Profile Forms (Pack of 25)
Item # MPS04-5389PF Please log in to view prices!
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