Dyslexia Screening Test - Junior (DST-J)

Dyslexia Screening Test - Junior (DST-J)
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Identify children in infant / junior school who are at risk of dyslexia


Age Range

6 years 6 months to 11 years 5 months



Individual - 30 minutes


Related Products

Dyslexia Screening Test - Junior (DST-J)

A. Fawcett and R. Nicolson

The revised Dyslexia Screening Test now covers primary and secondary school-aged children in two separate assessments. The division of the DST into two tests, DST - Junior and DST - Secondary, include extra subtests which are particularly relevant to the age group.

The DST-J provides a profile of strengths and weaknesses which can be used to guide the development of in-school support for the child.

New theoretical developments in dyslexia research suggest that it should be possible to identify both slow learners and potential dyslexic children at the age of 5 or 6 years, in time for greater reading support. The DST-J is designed for early identification of children who are at risk of reading failure so that they can be given extra support at school.

The DST-J replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice since this initial publication with additional subtests, validation studies and case histories and scoring software.

The DST-J consists of the following subtests:

  • Rapid Naming
  • Bead Threading
  • One Minute Reading
  • Postural Stability
  • Phonemic Segmentation
  • Two Minute Spelling
  • Backwards Digit Span
  • Nonsense Passage Reading
  • One Minute Writing
  • Verbal Fluency
  • Rhyme         NEW
  • Vocabulary    NEW


Product Items

DST-J Complete Kit: Examiner's Manual, Envelope 1 (containing 14 Subtest Cards and Sample Permission Letter), Envelope 2 (containing Score Keys), Balance Tester, Blindfold, Beads, Cord, CD, Scoring Software and 50 Score Sheets in a carry case
Item # MPS02-21358
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DST-J Manual
Item # MPS02-217160
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DST-J Score Sheets (Pad of 50)
Item # MPS02-217230
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