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Monitor ongoing life stressors and social resources in individuals 12-18 (LSSR-Y) and 18 years and older (LSSR-A) Age
12-18 and adults Administration
Individual or group
30-60 minutes Related products
Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory (LISRES-A and LISRES-Y) (LISRES)Rudolf H. Moos, PhD A structured interview, the LISRES provides a unified framework to measure ongoing life stressors and social resources and their changes over time. It can be used to describe a person's life context, to monitor stability and changes, to compare individuals and groups, and to examine how life events affect an individual's situation and functioning. The LISRES-A is for adults ages 18 years and older; it may be used with healthy adults or with psychiatric, substance abuse, or medical patients. It covers eight major areas of life experience: physical health, spouse/partner, finances, work, home/neighborhood, children, friends and social activities, and extended family.The LISRES-Y is for youths ages 12-18 years; it may be used with healthy teenagers, those with conduct disorders, or adolescent medical and psychiatric patients. Eight major areas of life experiences are addressed: physical health, school, home and money, parents, siblings, extended family, boyfriend/girlfriend, and friends and social activities.Ideal for use with clients whose reading and comprehension skills are below a 6th-grade level.Can be administered and scored by those with no formal training in clinical or counseling psychology.LISRES-A norms are based on a sample of 1,884 adults. Internal consistency reliabilities range from .77 to .93 for the Stressor scales and from .50 to .92 for the Social Resources scales.LISRES-Y norms are based on a sample of 400 youth. Internal consistency reliabilities range from .66 to .92 for Stressor scales and from .78 to .93 for Social Resources scales.
Product Items
LISRES-A Introductory Kit LISRES-A Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, and 50 Hand-Scorable Answer/Profile Forms
Item # MPS04- 2806-KT Please log in to view prices!
LISRES-Y Introductory Kit: LISRES-Y Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, and 50 Hand-Scorable Answer/Profile Forms
Item # MPS04-2872-KT Please log in to view prices!
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